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Athens, the Revolutionary Struggle trial: Statement of anarchist Jean Weir to the terror court of Korydallos 10/09/2012
”Anarchists are against hierarchy and this also applies to theweapons used in the struggle.The weaponry of the anarchist combinest he idea, the concept of freedom and the need to destroy not onlyinequality and poverty but also and at the same time, authority, hierarchy
Text written by the three imprisoned members of Revolutionary Struggle about the trial of the organization which will start on October 5, 2011
Posted on September 30, 2011
1The trial of the organization Revolutionary Struggle, which will begin on October 5, is the continuation of the repressive attack of the State which started in April 2010 with our arrests against the organization Revolutionary Struggle and of course the fighters involved in it.
The main purpose of the arrests, the trial but also the sentences to many years’ imprisonment that will be pronounced by the Special Court, is that the State will be able to eliminate the political threat of Revolutionary Struggle, bend our will to fight, make every fighter and every resisting person think that the political choice of armed action is hopeless, unrealistic and with no prospects.
The challenge for the State is to politically defeat Revolutionary Struggle, to defeat us, who participate in it, to defeat armed struggle and in perspective bend any desire to organize an armed proletarian counter-attack on the regime and its overthrowal and any will for an armed revolutionary attempt. Both the action of Revolutionary Struggle and the repressive policy against it are inseparable from the existing historical context, the persecution, imprisonment, trial and our condemnation concern the elimination of a political force that had and still has as its tactic the undermining of the plans of the economic and political elites to financially destroy the majority of society in the name of getting out of the system’s crisis.
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[Greece] November 22, 23, 24: International solidarity call for the Revolutionary Struggle case
from: contrainfo
Background information and constant updates in English on Revolutionary Struggle Case revolutionarystrugglecase.noblogs. andActforfreedomnow!
Social revolution is not a past; it is the present and future of the world.
Regarding the call for international solidarity and action
As assembly for the Revolutionary Struggle case and in continuance of solidarity actions for the same cause, we address an open callout for a solidarity campaign at both the local and international level on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of November 2012.
We have decided to break the wall of silence surrounding the RS case, and thus demonstrate that the comrades currently undergoing trial are not alone, that the RS case is everyone’s case in regard to the essence of the struggle itself. We therefore call comrades from across the world to contribute their action and send their own message of Solidarity and Struggle.