DK – On the Saturday 24/11 2012 Anarchists gathered in Copenhagen dedicated to show solidarity to the comrades of E.A.(R.S.) and the accused in the same case in Greece
Act for freedom now/receives
fotos: from Copenhagen

On the Saturday 24/11 2012 Anarchists gathered in Copenhagen at Blaagaardsplads in Noerrebro. Armed with a van and sound system and banners. We blasted revolutionary tunes out in the cold night air. This gathering was not advertised nor was there any permit from the cops, which you need in DK in order to protest.
Around 30 people dedicated to show solidarity to the comrades of EA and the accused in the same case, showed up and flyers were handed out and also smaller messages was thrown up in the air ( greek style) After about an hour the anarchist Kostas Gournas, member of EA spoke to the comrades through a skype link from Athens.
This caused much excitement amongst the people and as he finished his talk, the people started shouting in support.
Afterwards we had a group called Rythm of Resistance, ( a political samba style band ) performed and put in great performance on their alternative instruments.
At around 19.30 we packed up and as the van had left, the cops turned up, telling us, that a report of an illegal demonstration was taking place and if we knew anything about it!!! Needles to say that the pigs received little help from us, so they left again in search of an illegal demonstration…
The night continued in a squat with informel talks and socialising.
From Denmark we wanna send a big flaming hug and thanks to Kostas, for taking part and speaking to us and help making it a succesful event and for being an inspiration to us.
This is just the beginning
161 and Some Anarchists,
The EA Northern Solidarity Crew