Monthly Archives: November 2012
Madrid: Factual solidarity with the eight comrades who are prosecuted for the Revolutionary Struggle case in Athens
from: contrainfo Anarchist solidarians in Madrid released two pamphlets which contain translations of summaries of trial sessions in Koridallos women’s prisons and political statements of prosecuted comrades, as well as interventions in the two-day event ‘For the Struggle and the … Continue reading
Athens, the Revolutionary Struggle trial: Statement of anarchist Jean Weir to the terror court of Korydallos 10/09/2012
clik on to read…. ”Anarchists are against hierarchy and this also applies to theweapons used in the struggle.The weaponry of the anarchist combinest he idea, the concept of freedom and the need to destroy not onlyinequality and poverty but … Continue reading
Text written by the three imprisoned members of Revolutionary Struggle about the trial of the organization which will start on October 5, 2011
Posted on September 30, 2011 1The trial of the organization Revolutionary Struggle, which will begin on October 5, is the continuation of the repressive attack of the State which started in April 2010 with our arrests against the organization Revolutionary … Continue reading
[Greece] November 22, 23, 24: International solidarity call for the Revolutionary Struggle case
from: contrainfo Background information and constant updates in English on Revolutionary Struggle Case revolutionarystrugglecase.noblogs. andActforfreedomnow! Social revolution is not a past; it is the present and future of the world. Regarding the call for international solidarity and action As assembly for the Revolutionary … Continue reading